Information about the website

The Public Service Info website is maintained at the Population Register Centre.

User privacy

Use of the website does not require logging in. The website is maintained in accordance with the Personal Data Act (Henkilötietolaki). No registries are formed of the website’s users. E-mail addresses and other contact information are requested in connection with sending feedback. Users can give anonymous feedback, but can also give their contact information if they wish to receive a reply to their question or feedback.

Monitoring of use (cookies)

To develop the website, statistical information is collected on its use. The Public Service Info website uses a cookie to enable more accurate reporting of the number of visits and visitors.

Statistics are compiled on:

  • the number of visitors to the entire service and to individual pages
  • the average duration of visits
  • browsers and operating systems
  • search terms
  • the services from which the Public Service Info website is accessed
  • the destinations of users leaving the Public Service Info website

Use of the website also sends a cookie when buttons are used to increase or decrease the size of text. In most browsers, the cookie function can be switched off, making it possible for users to prevent the collection of information.


Links to the Public Service Info website may be used freely and the information it provides utilised as long as the source is credited and dated. Images used on the Public Service Info website are an exception; these cannot be saved to hard disks or diskettes, stored on networks, or reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holders. More information on the copyright of specific images is available from the website maintainer.

Currency of information

The Public Service Info website provides links to the websites of public sector organisations. However, the website maintainer is not responsible for the content or accuracy of these websites. The functionality of links leading to other websites is checked. The website maintainer will fix or remove non-functional links.

Advisory service

The service advisors at Public Service Info provide an advisory service by phone and by online channels, and respond to feedback from the public. Public Service Info helps citizens to find the correct authority or corresponding e-service to through which to manage their affairs. In addition, Public Service Info provides support for users of e-services, and answers general questions about public services.

Each state or municipal authority, organisation, or public body is responsible for the provision of advisory services on the content of their services, the processing of e-service matters, and malfunctions in the use of forms and e-services. Public Service Info forwards feedback on these issues to the relevant organisation for further action. It is not possible to take up official matters via Public Service Info; nor is it possible to enquire into the processing of such matters.